This Article Has Been Medically Approved By Dr. Timothy Connall
Over the last few years our team at Esprit® Cosmetic Surgeons has had the honor of working with Excaliard Pharmaceuticals, Inc. as a clinical research site. Excaliard is a San Diego-based company that has developed a novel investigational drug designed to decrease post-operative scarring. I have been a primary investigator tasked with testing the drug in surgical patients. As a research site, we have performed clinical trials to test the safety and effectiveness of the drug on scars when used in the immediate healing phase.
I have been thrilled to learn that the research has been successful and the drug (though early in development) has promise in treating scars. The success of this research and interest in this drug has been acknowledged in the pharmaceutical industry; so much so, that Pfizer, Inc. has acquired Excaliard to continue development of the drug.
I am proud to be working with Excaliard on this important research. I congratulate the team at Excaliard for their vision, expertise, and hard work in developing the drug. I am equally proud of my team at Esprit® Cosmetic Surgeons for managing the research so skillfully, especially my research coordinator Angela. Most of all I am deeply grateful to the patients that have volunteered to be subjects in the research.
For more information on Excaliard and their acquisition by Pfizer, please see this press release: Pzifer to acquire Excaliard Pharmaceuticals.