Landing visual new   esprit® cosmetic surgeonsCosmetic surgery is highly visual, so please enjoy these presentations to learn about your procedure.

3D Computer Simulations

3-D simulations are most commonly used to depict breast augmentation, nose reshaping, and chin sculpting.

We have been using the Vectra system for over three years and it has revolutionized how we do our consultations. The breast augmentation simulations are unparalleled tools for helping women choose the appropriate implant size.

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Procedure Tutorials

To help you prepare for your procedure, we ask that you complete the procedure tutorials at your convenience before the day of your surgery.

The Emmi® programs are designed to assist patients through their pre and post operative processes. By using audio, text and images to help patients make sense of vital medical information, interactive Emmi®programs inform and engage patients.

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Visia Complexion Analysis

This system will provide you with easy to understand, documented, objective, evaluation of your skin. Once done, printed reports are customized for each patient which includes recommendations we use to develop your personal skin care regimen.

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