This Article Has Been Medically Approved By Dr. Timothy Connall

Female model for breast augmentation surgeryChoosing to undergo a breast augmentation is a big decision, but it is only the first of many decisions you will need to make. When you consult with your plastic surgeon about the procedure, you will discuss the type of implants you wish to use, your desired size, and where the surgeon will make the incision.

Most breast augmentation procedures use one of three types of incision: inframammary, transaxillary, or periareolar. Each incision option has its benefits and uses.

Inframammary Incisions

The inframammary incision is by far the most common approach for breast augmentation surgery. These incisions are made under the breast, in the fold of skin where the breast meets the torso.

The Inframammary incision:

  • Serves as the most versatile option
  • Is the most accurate approach for the surgeon to operate through
  • Is the best incision for revisionary breast implant surgery

An inframammary incision usually leaves a small, fine-line scar, only 1.5 – 2 inches in length. The natural skin fold typically hides the scar. Over 95% of Esprit patients choose the inframammary incision for breast augmentation.

Transaxillary Incisions

The beauty of the transaxillary approach to breast augmentation is that no scars occur on the breasts. Often, the axillary scar fades and is so well hidden that it nearly appears the patient has had a “scarless” augmentation. The transaxillary incisions are made within the underarm, within the natural skin creases that appear there, providing excellent camouflage for the scar.

Transaxillary augmentation requires specially designed instruments. Dr. Connall uses endoscopic instruments (which he helped design) to perform transaxillary breast augmentation. With our technique, the creation of the pocket is done with direct vision using a camera and monitor. Dr. Connall has performed hundreds of transaxillary augmentations, including many revision augmentations. With Dr. Connall’s experience and equipment, we can provide the surgical precision needed to make this a nice option for many patients. However, since the inframammary incision remains superior to the axillary incision from a purely technical standpoint, and many breast types are better treated through an inframammary incision, transaxillary augmentation is done only occasionally at Esprit.

Periareolar Incisions

Periareolar incisions are typically made around the lower, outer edge of the areola. There, the natural change in pigmentation hides the scar as the areola meets the skin. The periareolar incision is a classic approach to breast augmentation surgery. However, in the last 10 years, this approach has declined in use greatly throughout the U.S. This decline is due to the discovery that the periareolar approach is likely associated with a higher rate of capsular contracture than the inframammary incision. In addition, on average, the periareolar scar is more visible to patients when they look in the mirror, as the scar is at the focal point of the breasts. While the very best periareolar scars (probably less than 25%) fade remarkably well, the majority of the scars are visible to patients and their partners.

Visit Esprit Cosmetic Surgeons

When you choose breast augmentation surgery, you want to know that your surgical team has the experience to deliver optimal results. The team at Esprit Cosmetic Surgeons has performed thousands of breast augmentation procedures on patients from Portland, throughout Oregon, and the greater Pacific Northwest. We are committed to bringing our vast experience to bare in striving for the best results in each and every patient.

There are many decisions to make once you choose breast augmentation surgery. Learn more about breast augmentation incisions.

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