This Article Has Been Medically Approved By Dr. Timothy Connall

Please join us in congratulating Dr. Connall for being commemorated as a 20 YEAR member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons! This represents his exceptional dedication to patient safety, commitment to professional and ethical standards, and extraordinary devotion to surgical excellence. 

Why is this so important?

Many health care providers are now performing plastic surgery procedures, but that doesn’t mean they are all qualified to perform plastic surgery. ASPS Member Surgeons are board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery® (ABPS), trained in cosmetic and reconstructive procedures of all types and meet the following rigorous standards:
    • Complete at least six years of surgical training following medical school with a minimum of three years of plastic surgery residency training
    • Pass comprehensive oral and written exams
    • Graduate from an accredited medical school
    • Complete continuing medical education, including patient safety each year
    • Perform surgery in accredited, state-licensed, or Medicare-certified surgical facilities
    • Adhere to a strict Code of Ethics that promotes patient safety and comfort
By choosing a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, you can be assured that you are choosing a qualified, highly-trained plastic surgeon. 

To make sure your surgeon has these outstanding qualifications, look for the ASPS Symbol of Excellence, or visit to locate a highly trained plastic surgeon in your area.

  esprit® cosmetic surgeons

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